Kotak Fastag Offer
Get ₹300 Worth Fastag For Almost FREE
Kotak Fastag Offer, Free Fastag Loot, Almost Free Offer- Hello Readers! Here I am back with another new Free Loot Offer which you can get Rs.300 worth of Fastag for Almost free.
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We are back with another new free loot offer which you can get Rs.300 worth of Fastag for Almost free. You can use this offer and get Rs.100 cashback and Rs.150 of Amazon voucher.
This offer is particularly for all clients and I think in the event that you still do not have Fastag. Anyone should utilize this offer and get your Fastag nearly for Free to use this technique.
Kotak NETC FASTag Get a voucher worth Rs. 150 and a cashback of Rs. 100 in your FASTag wallet. Benefit Kotak NETC FASTag and reclaim a voucher worth Rs. 150 of your decision from brands like Dominos/Amazon Pay/Big Basket/Apollo Pharmacy/Nykaa + get Rs. 100 cashback in your FASTag wallet. This is a restricted time offer so benefited from it quickly by perusing this post underneath.
How to Get ₹300 Worth Fastag For Almost FREE
- First of all, open the Fastag offer from the given link.
2. Sign up or log in with your mobile number on the Kotak if you have one.
3. Enter the OTP to verify and fill up the captcha to continue.
4. Enter your pan card number, date of birth, etc and submit it.
5. You need to enter your details in the next step.
6. Enter your vehicle number for where you want the Kotak FasTag.
7. You need to pay Rs.300 to get the Kotak FasTag.
8. Complete the payment to get the Kotak FasTag you will earn an Rs.150 gift voucher to your registered mobile number. And Rs.100 for loaded on the Kotak fasTag within 4weeks.
9. This is a limited-time offer and this Kotak Fastag offer is valid till 30, September.
About Fastag:
FASTag is an electronic assortment framework in India and worked by the National Highway Authority of India.
Another advantage of FASTag is that you can make good on the cost charge while your vehicle can continue to move.
You just need to back off with the goal that the NETC framework can peruse your tag.